
Toolpaths Menu

Check Show Toolpaths Tab Can be checked ✓ on or off to pin Pin the Toolpath Tab open or unpin Unpinned and hide it.

Tool Database Icon Tool Database Opens the Tool Database Dialog.

Recalculate All Toolpaths Icon Recalculate All Toolpaths Recalculates all the Toolpaths in the part.

Toolpath Drawing ► Opens the Toolpath Drawing Pop-up Menu.

Preview Simulation Quality ► This controls the resolution (number of points) in the Toolpath Preview simulation model governing the amount of detail that the model will display when you Preview and toolpath. The higher the quality, the slower the speed of simulation will become. Guidelines are given on how much slower you should expect it to be but these will depend upon the performance of the PC and relative size of the tool being used to your job (the larger the tool, the slower the performance). Opens the Preview Simulation Quality Pop-up Menu:

Standard is the fastest mode and recommended for low performance PC's.

High (2 x Slower) displays better quality images and is for general use.

Very High (4 x Slower) displays good quality images, but will run a little slower.

Extremely High (8 x Slower) gives good quality images but will run slower on old PC's.

Maximum (25 x Slower) gives the best quality image, but could take a lot longer on any PC.

Templates ► See the section on Toolpath Templates for more information. Opens the Toolpath Templates Pop-up Menu:

Save Toolpath Template Icon Save Selected Toolpath as Template... Saves the toolpath that is currently selected as a template for use in another project.

Save All Toolpath Templates Icon Save All Visible Toolpaths as Template... Saves all of the currently visible toolpaths as a single template for re-use in another project.

Load Toolpath Template Icon Load Template... Loads a previously stored template containing all the settings for one or more toolpath strategies.

Merge Visible Toolpaths Icon Merge Visible Toolpaths Opens the Create Merged Toolpath Form to merge different toolpaths that use the same tool into one optimised toolpath.

Create Job Sheet Icon Create Job Sheet Creates a job setup sheet which gives an overview of all of the toolpaths in the job. This opens a File Save As dialog prompting for a place to save the created sheet. The created job setup sheet is a single page of HTML, suitable for viewing in a web browser of your choice, or for printing. This can also be customized with the Job Setup Sheet Editor in the Gadgets Menu.

Install Post Processor Opens a File Open dialogue box where you can install a post processor.

Toolpath Drawing sub-menu

Check Draw 2D Previews Can be checked ✓ on or off to display the toolpath previews in the 2D View.

Check Make 2D Previews Solid Can be checked ✓ on or off to switch from the wireframe view to a solid view.

Check Auto Open 3D View Selects whether the 3D view and Preview Toolpaths Form are automatically shown after toolpaths are created.

Check Draw rapid moves Toggles the visibility of red rapid-speed move lines on the 3D view when toolpaths are visible.

Check Draw plunge moves Toggles the visibility of cyan plunge-speed move lines on the 3D view when toolpaths are visible.

Check Draw retract moves Toggles the visibility of green retract-speed move lines on the 3D view when toolpaths are visible.

Check Draw join moves Toggles the visibility of purple join move lines on the 3D view when toolpaths are visible. A join move is a purely 2D move between toolpath contours, these are typically seen in Offset pattern Pocket Toolpaths.