What's New in Aspire V11.5

Trayectorias de herramientas


Getting Started

Tooling, Machines and Saving



Trayectorias de herramientas

Definir derivaciones circulares por ángulo (V11.55)

Al utilizar guías circulares en la trayectoria de perfil, ahora puede llegar al borde de la pieza en un ángulo específico sin tener que adivinar la distancia. Vale la pena señalar que el ángulo máximo tendrá un límite de 90 grados.

V11.55: sobreescaneo para trayectorias de herramientas láser

Hemos realizado mejoras en la forma en que manejamos la salida del láser cuando utilizamos la ruta de herramienta de imagen láser y la estrategia de relleno de sombreado en la ruta de herramienta de corte y relleno láser.

El nuevo campo de sobreescaneo garantiza que el cabezal láser pase el borde de la imagen o el sombreado en un porcentaje que puede configurar en el formulario. Al hacerlo, ayudará a eliminar cualquier exceso que pueda ser visible al apagar el láser exactamente en el final de la imagen o línea hash, mientras la máquina escanea en exceso en un porcentaje determinado.

*Tenga en cuenta: se requiere el módulo láser adicional para esta mejora

V11.55 - Nuevo selector de geometría láser y plantillas de trayectoria

Hemos incluido la opción de selector de vectores en la ruta de herramienta de corte y relleno láser, lo que le permite seleccionar vectores en función de los filtros que establezca en el diálogo del selector de vectores; esto también abre la oportunidad de guardar y cargar plantillas de ruta de herramienta con proyectos láser.

*Tenga en cuenta: se requiere el módulo láser adicional para esta mejora

Twiddle while Simulating

When simulating a toolpath the camera can be twiddled around and zoomed in while the simulation is running and animating to allow focus onto areas of interest, ensuring for better visibility of your toolpath moves.

Toolpath Calculation Speed Improvements

We’re making better use of the CPU cores in some parts of the Pocket Toolpath, V-Carve Toolpath and 3D Finishing Toolpath calculation, noticeably in toolpaths with lots of vectors. This results in speeds up to 2x faster in some cases.


V11.55 - Anidamiento de relleno

Hemos introducido una nueva opción en el formulario de anidamiento que le permite llenar su hoja con una pieza determinada. Esto es útil para escenarios en los que desea llenar su hoja con piezas pero no sabe exactamente cuántas caben, por lo que el el software lo calcula por usted. Simplemente marque la pieza como "relleno" usando la casilla de verificación en el formulario y el software identificará la pieza de relleno con una estrella verde en la vista 2D, presionará la vista previa y verá los resultados.

También puede combinar piezas de relleno con otros elementos anidados; por ejemplo, si desea anidar 20 piezas de una pieza y luego llenar el espacio restante con una pieza de relleno, puede hacerlo. Primero seleccione la pieza que desea anidar, ingrese el número de copias requeridas y presione aplicar. Luego seleccione su parte de relleno y márquela como 'relleno' y presione Aplicar, luego obtenga una vista previa de los resultados. Puede agregar más piezas de relleno donde el software priorizará la pieza de relleno más grande antes de pasar a piezas de relleno más pequeñas, lo que le permitirá maximizar su material y minimizar el desperdicio.

Freehand Drawing Tool

In this release we have introduced a brand new freehand drawing tool, which closely mimics the flow of drawing with a physical pencil. Allowing you to create quick sketches and trace organic shapes much more easily. Within the form there are various options to control the drawing. The smoothness setting helps with the post smoothing of your vectors and the stabilisation setting helps to stabilise the cursor for a more accurate drawing. Within the form we have also included the ability to adjust the fading of your bitmap, saving you the hassle of having to exit the tool to make changes to the bitmap ready for tracing.

Select Duplicates

The software now has the ability to identify and select duplicate groups and text entities in your file, making it much easier to clean up duplications ready for use with other features in Aspire.

Getting Started

V11.55: Plantillas de archivos precargadas

Hemos incluido un conjunto de plantillas predefinidas basadas en tamaños y espesores de láminas estándar de la industria, a las que se puede acceder a través de la carpeta de archivos de Vectric. Simplemente abra una nueva plantilla, elija la hoja que desee y listo.

Tooling, Machines and Saving

V11.55 - Base de datos de herramientas remotas

Hemos introducido la posibilidad de compartir su base de datos de herramientas mediante un enlace desde su cuenta de V&Co. Esto es particularmente útil para los usuarios que desean compartir los datos y configuraciones de sus herramientas sin que el usuario final sobrescriba su propia base de datos.

El propietario de una base de datos de herramientas puede actualizar su base de datos e impulsar versiones más nuevas que se propagarán a los usuarios que se hayan suscrito a una base de datos, donde se les notificará en el formulario de la base de datos de herramientas que hay una versión actualizada disponible.

Mejoras en la base de datos de herramientas

En la base de datos de la herramienta ahora puede agregar enlaces en los que se puede hacer clic en el campo de notas. Esto es perfecto para agregar las páginas web donde compró originalmente su herramienta. En la base de datos de la herramienta, simplemente pegue el enlace en la sección de notas y el software almacenará esta información. Para acceder al enlace, simplemente presione CTRL y haga clic para acceder directamente al sitio web en su navegador predeterminado.

Custom variables in tool geometry in the tool database

Variables can be defined for the tool geometry in the tool database which can then be used in the tools’ naming format. The custom variables are accessible through the tool database ‘variables’ button for each tool geometry. It can then be used in the name format dialog either through using the handy drop-down menu or by typing the variable manually. This is particularly useful for distinguishing between tools with exact geometry, or adding further information to the tool that otherwise isn’t specified by our default tool database format. For example you could add variables that could pay reference to specifics such as the manufacturer, coating or whether your tool is an up-cut or a down-cut, giving your more options to organize your tool database.


3D View Visual Improvements

The power of graphics hardware has increased dramatically in recent years. To make full use of this resource whenever it is available we have completely rebuilt the 3D rendering infrastructure across all the products in our v11.5 range. The result is the smoothest, highest detail, 3D View ever. Toolpath previews draw faster and with more clarity. The 3D material block can be viewed and manipulated dynamically while toolpath cutting is simulated, even in higher resolutions. Improved lighting and shading techniques in the 3D view provide consistent visual shape and depth cues whether working on single-sided, double-sided or rotary projects. New or imported models and clipart can all now be transformed or edited live using new, fully interactive, tools directly in the 3D view.
Any recent computer or hardware (less than five years old) will show a serious step-up in 3D performance when running v11.5. But our extensive testing shows that even older hardware will benefit. We have ensured that there is a robust, but slower, fall-back mechanism for outdated or incompatible graphics cards but it is essential in all cases that your graphics card drivers are up-to-date. Please visit your computer or graphics card manufacturer’s website for specific guidance on getting the latest drivers for your hardware.

Opening of Vectric and third-party model / vector files

You are now able to open various file formats directly into Aspire, without the need to have the software open to begin with. Simply double click on the file, use CTRL + O or drag the file into the software. The file formats that can be opened directly include V3M, 3dClip, V3D, PVC, SKP, STL and SVG with images. To ensure that your file type will always open with our software simply right click on the file and head over to the properties, here you can choose what program you wish to open this file type with, simply select your Vectric product and going forward windows will always open this filetype in Aspire.

Support reading SVG files that contain images

The software now has the ability to read image data within SVG files, ensuring that you get everything you need from the original file source.

Machine & Toolpath Menu

The machine menu and part of the toolpath menu has been made available without having any projects open to allow the tool database to be accessible, without having to open or create a new file.


Sculpting over the full model and two-sided

In the sculpting tools you now have the option to “show full model” which replaces the old grayscale component overlay. With this option switched on, you are able to see the full composite model in the 3D view, where the sculpting tools are only applied to the selected component. This allows you to see how it interacts with the component tree live rather than through a grayscale overlay, making it a much easier and more intuitive way of making the final touches to your 3D models. We’ve extended this capability to two-sided models also.

Create Shape Preserving Sharp Internal Corners

Aspire has a new option in the create shape form where you are able to preserve internal corners when creating a shape. With this option checked it enables you to sharpen and create a chiselled look as you would expect to see.

Live manipulation of components in the 3D view

In this release we have made it much easier to manipulate and see the result of positioning, scaling and rotating your 3D components in the 3D view. Where components can be picked up and dragged whilst showing the final result of the composite model in real time. We've also made it easier to adjust the base or shape height of a component by pulling on the drag handles. The base height handle can also be double clicked to reset the base height to zero. The live updates extend out to the tilt and fade functionality too. These improvements to the way we alter our 3D parts in the 3D view ensures a quicker and more intuitive approach to making those fine adjustments to your composite model.

Replace Below Plane Dragging

In the replace below tool, we’ve replaced the mechanism of double clicking to select the plane height with a plane which can be dragged up and down to the height required, enabling you to make dynamic changes easily and quickly. All you need to do is simply drag the arrow to adjust the plane.

STL Import Speed Improvement

We have made improvements to the speed at which some 3D models will import into the software, this will become more noticeable on larger models, where import times will be considerably faster.

Level Deletion

It is now possible to delete levels that contain components, where in previous versions the level had to be empty before you were able to delete them, making it a much easier process to remove unwanted 3D objects in your component tree.